Digital Marketing

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    Dominate the First Page of Google Search Results by Consulting an Expert

Dominate the First Page of Google Search Results by Consulting an Expert

Given that Google is the most widely used search engine, you surely want to see your business included on Google’s first page of results. Studies show that the majority of users only click the first three links on a Google search results page. Users typically accept those links as the [...]

By |October 27th, 2022|Digital Marketing, Steven Lloyd Business Coaching|Comments Off on Dominate the First Page of Google Search Results by Consulting an Expert|

How To Rank On The First Page of Google Search Results 

Are you looking for tips on how to rank on the first page of Google search results? Google is the world’s largest search engine, and when used correctly, it can be a powerful advertising tool for your business. Read on to learn more about how to rank on the [...]

By |October 20th, 2022|Digital Marketing, Steven Lloyd Business Coaching|Comments Off on How To Rank On The First Page of Google Search Results |
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    How To Improve Your Local Ranking On Google – Choosing The Right Keywords

How To Improve Your Local Ranking On Google – Choosing The Right Keywords

Did you know that 91% of adults worldwide use Google? There are hundreds of thousands of Google searches daily, and out of those, 41% have local intent– meaning that the query entered into Google is meant to find a business or product physically near the user.

Suppose you are not [...]

By |October 13th, 2022|Digital Marketing, Steven Lloyd Business Coaching|Comments Off on How To Improve Your Local Ranking On Google – Choosing The Right Keywords|
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    How to Get Your Product to Show Up on Google Search Results For Free

How to Get Your Product to Show Up on Google Search Results For Free

Google has become a ubiquitous search engine. Everyone uses Google, from looking for vacation getaways to finding a local business to patronize. This is why it is so important to get your product to show up on Google search engine results pages (SERPS). Most people do not scroll past [...]

By |October 6th, 2022|Digital Marketing, Steven Lloyd Business Coaching|Comments Off on How to Get Your Product to Show Up on Google Search Results For Free|

How to Rank Higher on Google – First Page Results

There are a lot of reasons you want your business to rank higher on Google Search results pages. Most people do not click beyond the first three links of a Google Search result page. That means that the lower your website is ranked, the less likely it is that [...]

By |September 22nd, 2022|Digital Marketing, Steven Lloyd Business Coaching|Comments Off on How to Rank Higher on Google – First Page Results|
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    How To Get on First Page of Google Search Results in 30 Days

How To Get on First Page of Google Search Results in 30 Days

Google is easily the most used search engine. Hundreds of thousands of people use Google to answer questions, look up local businesses and buy products and services. If you want your business to compete in the digital world, you need to be on the first page of Google Search [...]

By |September 15th, 2022|Digital Marketing, Steven Lloyd Business Coaching|Comments Off on How To Get on First Page of Google Search Results in 30 Days|

How To Rank First on Google in Less Than 30 Days

Everyone uses Google to find local businesses. How to rank first on Google? When someone searches for a business near their location, such as a restaurant, they select the business they want to patronize based on the business profile, ratings, and how high it ranks in the search. Read [...]

By |September 8th, 2022|Digital Marketing, Steven Lloyd Business Coaching|Comments Off on How To Rank First on Google in Less Than 30 Days|

How to Improve your Google Ranking With Zero Ad Spend

When it comes to ranking on the search engine giant Google, position on the search engine results page (or SERP) is everything. People use Google for fast results– they want an answer to their question or a business result within seconds and typically will only click on one of [...]

By |September 1st, 2022|Digital Marketing, Steven Lloyd Business Coaching|Comments Off on How to Improve your Google Ranking With Zero Ad Spend|
  • SL Jan 22 BA1 Jan 06
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    24 Hour Phone Answering Service– The Future of 24/7 Business

24 Hour Phone Answering Service– The Future of 24/7 Business

Since the advent of both the internet and smartphones, the world has changed. Long gone are the days of shopping being restricted by business hours– most commerce is done digitally on our phones, regardless of the time of day. If your company is only operating within the 9-5 business [...]

By |August 25th, 2022|Digital Marketing, Steven Lloyd Business Coaching|Comments Off on 24 Hour Phone Answering Service– The Future of 24/7 Business|
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    Do You Need a 24/7 Customer Support Provider for Your Company?

Do You Need a 24/7 Customer Support Provider for Your Company?

Suppose you find yourself pondering the impossible task of answering all your customer calls. You might want to consider a 24/7 Customer Support Provider for the company. Customers want an immediate response, and if you don’t have unlimited resources to staff appropriately, you’re probably leaving business on the table. [...]

By |August 18th, 2022|Digital Marketing, Steven Lloyd Business Coaching|Comments Off on Do You Need a 24/7 Customer Support Provider for Your Company?|